Gold Coast

Love of adventure and the outdoors

Gold Coast resident Colin Bridge is ready for adventure

GemLife Gold Coasters are in for a treat!


When GemLife Gold Coast contract holder 79-year-old Colin Bridge says he’s ‘into everything’ when asked about his sporting interests, he’s really not kidding.

Some of Colin’s regular pursuits include abseiling, bushwalking, scuba diving (he also holds a licence), running (every day), and sports climbing.

If you’re wondering what ‘sports climbing’ is, you’re not alone.

“It’s not climbing mountains – it’s done on local cliff faces with planned routes and using specialised equipment,” Colin said.

The retired business and software development manager said growing up he’d always been a sports fanatic with football, tennis, and cricket among his favourite pastimes.

When he turned 39, he started running competitively.

“I was working for the government in Canberra, and while I’d always run for my training, I met a group of workmates who ran competitively and got into it from there,” he said.

“I would ride to work in the morning, run with my friends at lunchtime, then ride home again after work.

“I like to get exercise in one way or another every day. If I miss my run in the morning, my conscience will beat me up in the afternoon and ask why I didn’t do it today!”

Colin has made so many friends through his love of sport and has travelled throughout Australia competing in upwards of 15 marathons.

“Bushwalking takes me all over Australia too. I’m a member of the Tamborine Mountain Natural History Association Bushwalkers. We often go away for a few days and plan hikes in the areas we are going to.”

Colin abseils regularly, and he aims to incorporate it more into his bushwalks.

“You can take your harness and rope along, and if you get to a waterfall and see a track below when you look down, you can abseil down the waterfall and pull your rope back down and walk on.”

Colin has bought a home in Stage Two of GemLife Gold Coast, and he can’t wait until his home is complete, possibly early next year.

“I’m really looking forward to moving into a community with like-minded people of a similar age and having a chat while enjoying the facilities there. I’ve already put my hand up to organise events such as bushwalking, running, or cycling if there’s interest.

“I’ll probably do all the sports offered at the resort, except maybe lawn bowls unless others want me to play, and I’m looking forward to having so many amenities close at hand.

“GemLife Gold Coast is snuggled up against the backdrop of Mount Wongawallan and it’s a gemstone area with an old Jasper mine at the top. I’ve been up there and one of the first things I’d love to do when I move in is to see if a group wants to come with me for a look. Maybe we could even abseil down the hole at the top to see what’s in there.”

Colin migrated to Australia from Manchester, England, with his parents and four siblings when he was six years old. He has two sons and is currently living at Tamborine Mountain after having lived at Upper Coomera for about 18 years until recently.

It’s fair to say a love of the outdoors is in Colin’s blood, and he’s looking forward to meeting and making more friends at GemLife Gold Coast.