Premiere of Ageless by GemLife

GemLife’s eight-episode TV series, AGELESS, premiered on the NINE Network from 23 March to 13 May 2024.

AGELESS was created to spark conversations and challenge misconceptions about how people over 50 live their lives. Producers journeyed across Australia to meet inspirational over 50 Australians who embodied an ‘ageless’ mindset, including GemLife homeowner and cancer survivor, Sharon Lagden, who experienced sky diving for the first time in her 60s.

Enjoy the full season below! Check out exclusive behind-the-scenes interviews with some of the show’s stars!

Browse Episodes

Ageless - Episode 1 Promo



In episode 1 of our new television series AGELESS, host Grey Rogers, 48, meets Sarah Jane Adams, who is a style icon, influencer, and a true rebel. Grey visits the bohemian heart of inner-city Sydney where Sarah Jane, 68, spends her life walking her own path and redefining what it is to be an ‘older woman’. The international antique jewellery dealer became an Instagram sensation overnight in her 50s and began a modeling career in her 60s when her “coolness” was discovered by major fashion houses around the world. Sometimes older people say they feel invisible, but Sarah Jane is anything but.

Ageless - Episode 2 Promo



AGELESS host Grey Rogers continues his travels west through Kununurra’s crocodile country and meets Australia’s most loveable outback widow, Barbara Walker. In her 70s, Barbara provides land care, vegetation and wildlife rehabilitation for 20,000 hectares of Australia’s infamous outback...alone. Raised in Switzerland, Barbara became obsessed with cowboys and, when exploring the Aussie outback, she stumbled across Roy’s Retreat and blindly followed her true calling. Discover what fuels Barbara to live, work and ultimately thrive in such a remote place, and why she’ll never leave.

Ageless - Episode 3 Promo



In episode 3 we meet Carole, who – after a life spent building her hairdressing empire, raising her daughter solo, and surviving cancer – has no idea how to find love. Now in her 50s, Carole is ready to seek her equal. Carole switches up her role as hairdresser and sounding board, and has a girl talk with relationship counsellor, Heidi Sommer-Ball who helps her navigate the maze of modern dating: online apps!

Then there’s Lisa, also in her 50s, who had met and lost the love of her life. Lisa is ready to date again but needs a makeover to give her the confidence she needs. Style mentor Ange Cleary helps Lisa push through her grief by bringing colour back into her personal style.

Ageless - Episode 4 Promo



Meet Arnhem Land tourism guide Tim, who at 50, launched a new career in a field he had no experience in. Tim has weathered the travails of Covid and financial hardship and got far more than he ever bargained for at this later stage in life. Tim shares the trials of staying afloat and how he pivoted not only his business, but his mindset, with the help of the locals and trusting his inner voice. For Tim, bridging geographic and cultural divides is the reason he gets up in the morning.

Ageless - Episode 5 Promo



GemLife homeowners Sharon Lagden and husband Kevin feature in this heartwarming episode, where Sharon shares an incredible story about how she survived cancer and realised that life is something to be lived to the fullest every single precious day! Feel excited for Sharon as she ticks skydiving off her bucket list! Meanwhile, relationship counsellor Heidi Sommer-Ball returns to meet retired HR Manager-turned-grey-nomad, Rhonda, who is in her 70s. After two failed relationships, Rhonda has been single for 30 years. Will Heidi convince her that letting in the right kind of love doesn’t mean letting go of her independence?

Ageless - Episode 6 Promo



Meet entrepreneurs and adventure seekers, Mark and Judy, who are in their 70s and making 30-year plans. Mark and Judy left their ex-part corporate careers and wandered around Australia with their three children searching for their ‘forever’ adventure. They stumbled upon Paronella Park – a truly magical place nestled in a lush forest with waterfalls, 120 km south of Cairns. They bought it and have been faced with every adversity from floods to cyclones to facing death, and yet they never give up.

Ageless - Episode 7 Promo



Meet Noel, 81, who after three marriages is itching to get back into the dating pool with the help of relationship counsellor, Heidi Sommer-Ball. Heidi gives Noel the practical steps he needs to take to find new love in the modern world and at a later stage in life. With Heidi’s help, Noel’s journey shows us it’s never too late to find love and bloom again.

Meanwhile, style mentor Angela Cleary helps spiritual author Natalie, from the Sunshine Coast, get back to her roots and find her true essence. Now in her 50s, Natalie has spent so many years living up to others’ expectations and struggling to fit in. Now a blank canvas, Natalie is ready to paint some colour back into her life, starting with her wardrobe. Ange takes her on a journey of East meets West – from global citizen to reconnection with her true self.

Ageless - Episode 8 Promo



At 58, Australia’s champion blind motorcycle rider Ben will show you that no matter what obstacle you’re currently facing, you can tackle it head on and embrace bigger challenges. In the final episode of AGELESS, we witness Ben ride at more than 200kms per hour alongside Kevin Magee (former Australian Grand Prix champion motorcycle rider). Kevin gives instructions to Ben every step of the way to ensure he doesn’t come off his bike, because Ben is 100 percent blind. In the season’s inspiring conclusion, Ben’s heroic tale ultimately shows host Grey Rogers that behind every AGELESS person such as Ben, Sarah Jane, Barbara, Tim, Mark and Judy, is a limitless internal mindset that defies age.

Meet our Ageless stars!

Learn more about Ageless with exclusive interviews with the series’ stars and hosts. Click below to go behind the scenes and be sure to check back regularly for new content and updates!

Ange Cleary


Fashion stylist and style mentor for women over 40, Ange Cleary, is used to being behind the camera, styling celebrities for television or magazine appearances, so what was it like being herself as part of the cast on GemLife’s new TV series AGELESS?

“I had so much fun – the crew were incredible, and all my candidates were a pleasure to work with. Once I focused on exactly what I was there for – to help people reclaim their style and confidence – it all flowed and fell into place,” Ange tells GemLife when filming had wrapped.

AGELESS is an eight-episode TV series featuring inspirational Australians who prove age is only a mindset.

Ange has been styling both men and women for 25 years for editorial, television and corporate appearances, and most recently she started styling and mentoring women over 45 as they transitioned to their next life chapter. AGELESS required her to help over 50s regain their confidence, and Ange was a perfect fit for the role.

“Turning 50 myself last year, it felt natural and genuine to help align with others going through changes, mentally and physically,” she said.

“Taking pride in your appearance is often seen as being self-indulgent or vain, however I want to change that conversation to align with self-respect and self-value. First impressions as we know are quite powerful. Unlocking potential and stepping out of your comfort zone is how we grow. Ageless is all about growth, changing the dialogue and stepping into your magic.”

Ange said so often in the over-50s age bracket she hears men and women say that they feel invisible.

“It’s sad to hear that most people feel that youthful looks and a number determine your value in society. It’s just not the case. The most interesting, dynamic and inspiring people I have ever met are all over 50.

“When I style someone, I first try to find out what is really going on deep inside their thoughts. Old thought patterns, programming, and self-loathing mirror moments are always the barriers. Once we determine their true style personality and what inspires them, we can then address how that is reflected in what they wear and how the world perceives them. It’s a domino effect to be honest. Once you feel good, you look good, and you just walk and hold yourself with more confidence.”

Ange said many people also struggle to let go of the past, and that is often reflected in their wardrobes too.

“The past chapters of their lives are all hanging in front of them. I believe your clothes carry energy and memories. You may have been through divorce, illness, trauma, weight change, life change, job loss and what you wore at that time of life is staring back at you reminding you,” she said.

“I encourage big wardrobe purges and only having items in your wardrobe that you love and wear all the time. My rule of thumb is, if you haven’t touched it for two years you’re probably not going to. Move it on, donate, give to a friend, or sell. Make room in your life and your wardrobe for the new and rejuvenated YOU. You are not your past.”

Watch Ange Cleary and her transformational makeovers in episodes 3 and 7 of GemLife’s new TV series AGELESS.

Heidi Sommer-Ball


Heidi Sommer-Ball is a relationship counsellor from Brisbane, who appears on GemLife’s new TV series, AGELESS, which has been created to challenge misconceptions about ageing.

You probably wouldn’t know it from watching the show, but it’s the first time Heidi has been part of a TV series – usually she’s behind the microphone as a guest commentator on radio! Despite it being her first time in front of the camera, she steadily gave advice to inspirational over 50s on the show about how they could navigate love in the digital world.

“I loved my experience on the show – much more than I’d anticipated. The crew was particularly welcoming and after running my own private practice for so long, it was nice to work in a team,” Heidi tells GemLife after filming wrapped.

“It also gave me a chance to push and challenge myself. Normally my sessions are private, so it was interesting and fun to challenge my skills while on full display to not only the person I was supporting, but in front of the whole filming crew.”

Heidi, 50, is passionate about helping people with all aspects of their lives, and has worked with clients from all age groups, from children to those in their 80s. She is also a marriage celebrant.

For AGELESS, she was asked to help inspirational Australians over 50 explore the possibilities of finding love again – something she’s familiar with in her practice as well.

“I see a lot of single people in their 40s and 50s and they want to explore how they might play out the second half of their life,” Heidi said. “They might be wanting to change or have been forced into change if they’ve experienced the death of a partner, for example.

“A lot of life has been lived by the time you are 40 or 50 and behaviours are engrained so if you are seeking change, it’s possible but it takes hard work,” she said. “We basically have to ‘unlearn’ the way the way we did things the first time. If someone leaves a marriage where they didn’t feel happy, or loved, or felt unheard, then they might need to relearn and have a refreshed approach to their own behaviours and what they would like in a partner.”

While everyone is different, there are some common themes arising from people wanting to get back into the dating game. For men their fears are often centred around not being successful enough, while for women it’s often fears based on being judged for how they look.

“Generally speaking, women often feel they are ‘too old, overweight, wrinkly, have too much baggage, or have been out of the game too long’,” Heidi said. “Men are often worried about being perceived as successful. They worry women only want money and security.

“When this happens, I generally ask them to look at their own values system, and would their best friend be judging them on those things? Do they look for those things in a potential partner, and often you’ll find the answer is no. They are looking for other traits.

“Of course, there are people out there that do care about status, money, or looks but I say to them that those people are not your people. Put a strike through those ones and hit ‘next’.”

As you’ll see on AGELESS, Heidi is passionate about online dating.

“So many people in the over-50s age bracket are reluctant to do so and that might be because they’re unfamiliar with it. Everything is online though and online dating is efficient. They text their grandchildren, and use the internet for other things so why not for dating? If you’re not going to start lining up at the post office to pay your bills again, perhaps look at this the same way. I’ve done online dating and I walk people through it. There are always going to be red flags to watch out for, but there are red flags to watch out for if you meet someone at the pub. I encourage people to give it a try.”

To see more of Heidi’s great relationship, confidence-building, and dating advice, catch her on episodes 3, 5 and 7 of GemLife’s TV series, AGELESS on the NINE Network.

Barbara Walker


West Australian ‘outback warrior’ Barbara Walker’s unyielding determination and deep love for nature, as she single-handedly manages a remote 20,000-hectare private wildlife reserve, is showcased in GemLife’s new TV series AGELESS.

The 70-year-old tells her story of taking the helm of Roy’s Retreat, nestled in the remote town of Kununurra in the Kimberley, following the passing 16-years-ago of her late husband and seasoned bushman, Roy, in an episode two.

In episode two, Barbara shares her demanding daily routine on the sprawling property.

“I still climb my trees to prune them using a big chainsaw and other machines. I may not be fast anymore but that does not matter — the job can still be done,” she said.

Originally hailing from Switzerland, Barbara found her true home in the Australian outback alongside Roy. Together for 30 years, they shared a vision that ensured Roy’s Retreat thrived.

Barbara said she hopes her display of hard work and perseverance demonstrated through AGELESS shines a spotlight on the possibilities for our ageing population.

“I have had to overcome many obstacles in my life, taking physical risks just to achieve my dreams,” she said.

“They say this is how heroes are made. All my life I have had adventures and look forward to many more – that’s what keeps me young.

“The wrinkles and saggy skin do not worry me, as I only have a little mirror, and the less I look into it, the fewer problems I have.”

Barbara said to be ageless comes down to what you do with your mind and attitude.

“If you think, ‘I am 70 years old and can’t do things anymore’, then you are old. To be ageless has a lot to do with your lifestyle,” she said.

“I believe the universe put me here to complete a mission. You must overcome fear and visualise that you have the strength to do anything.

“Age is only a number on a page of a book, so enjoy every day of your life, even if it is quite hard at times.”

Barbara said she wished to extend her outlook on life to the younger generations in hope the legacy of Roy’s Retreat would continue for years to come.

“I collaborate with national and international volunteer student groups, who assist me in land care initiatives to ensure the legacy Roy and I built will endure for years to come, even after I am no longer here.”

Carole and Lisa


Two Brisbane women are proving being in their 50s is no barrier to finding romance as they navigate dating in the modern era in episode three of GemLife’s new TV series, AGELESS.

The episode titled ‘Love At Any Age’ features hilarious 58-year-old salon owner, Carole Haddad, on her quest for romance, trying her hand at online dating for the first time, while inspirational, 57-year-old home stylist, Lisa Young, experiences a Cinderella moment with the ultimate makeover, before she hits the dating scene.

Carole who’s looking for love for the first time in over 20 years.

“I was ready to be wined and dined and after this experience, I’m definitely qualified now!” said Carole.

“I was excited about finding a man and for a woman like me that’s never had a husband, I knew I had to approach things differently. My generation isn’t used to looking for someone online but getting into it, it’s just so much fun and liberating.

“Even menopause hasn’t stopped me wanting to date. I just had the pause but not the men and trying online dating put a big spring in my step.”

Carole tells her incredible story in the show, growing up in a convent, navigating single motherhood and overcoming cancer, but nothing was going to hold her back from chasing love.

“It’s not how many storms you survive, it’s how good you dance in the rain and I rock-n-roll! Hurdles come and go but it’s not about how much you hurt, it’s about stepping out from it,” said Carole.

“I’ve had such support from everyone with this experience, they’re so excited for me. My friends are just like a Wonderbra – they keep me up and lifted. That’s what you want.”

The episode’s other local shining star, Lisa Young, shares her remarkable story of success and survival, overcoming divorce, she went on to find the love of her life only to lose him six years later, but now she’s ready to put herself out there on her journey to love again.

“We get thrown curve balls and we need to pick ourselves up and reinvent and I really felt like I wanted to share my experiences with the view of giving other people inspiration,” said Lisa.

“The experience felt incredible, and it made me aware of what I should be looking for when presenting myself. I now look in the mirror and think I want to help other people, but first I need to help myself.

Tim Neilson


Tim Nielsen is proving just how true the saying is ‘it’s never too late to follow your dreams’.

The farmer, appearing in episode four of GemLife’s TV series AGELESS, tackled a new career path in his 50s, venturing into an industry he had no prior experience and transitioning from life in the Adelaide Hills to the outback on Arnhem Land in the Northern Territory.

Tim said when entering his fifties, he knew we wanted to make a change.

“For more than a decade, my wife and I dedicated ourselves to our apple and pear orchard in South Australia. However, as my fifties approached, I realised I no longer had a spark for farming, so I decided it was time to try something else,” he said.

“I spent my childhood in Darwin surrounded by rich culture and had always had a passion and deep respect for the lands and Indigenous cultures in the Northern Territory.

“So, in 2019, when I saw a touring company called Top End Day Tours was available, I decided to purchase it and start the next chapter of my life.

“I came into the touring industry with no prior knowledge, I didn’t even know how to process a booking. However, like most things in life, I took each day as it came.

“Now, I’m 54-years-old and I wake up each day grateful for the choice I made.

“I have spent my days over the past five years working with many traditional owner groups, including the Manilarrga peoples, sharing Arnhem Land’s unique beauty and cultures with travellers from around Australia and the world.”

Tim said he hoped being part of the new AGELESS series would inspire people over 50 to pursue their passions.

“I know a lot of people entering their fifties feel they can’t make a significant change because the perceived risk or fear of starting over feels too intimidating for them, or they are happy to be on autopilot waiting for retirement,” he said.

“There is nothing wrong with that, but I think those willing to bet on themselves would be pleasantly surprised and would regret not trying even more.

“To me, being ageless means staying curious. It means embracing each day as a gift— an opportunity to try something new. I’m testament to the old adage that you’re never too old to pursue your dreams,” he said.

Sharon Lagden


Jumping out of a plane was the first adventure on Sharon Lagden’s bucket list after overcoming a devastating breast cancer diagnosis and depression.

Sharon, 64, was in remission when she and husband Kevin left their Sydney corporate careers (Sharon in IT and husband Kevin a publishing general manager) to pursue a more relaxed life on Queensland’s Sunshine Coast.

However, that didn’t go as planned at first.

“My job, including my colleagues’ support, had given me so much purpose through my cancer treatment and operations, and suddenly here I was not working and not feeling myself when the depression hit,” Sharon said.

“I now know from talking to others, that this is a common occurrence in remission. I think when you’re going through treatment you have medical experts telling you what to do and trust that they know what they are doing. At the end of the day, you do not have a lot of choice in the matter.

“But it’s later – and for me it was two years later – when you realise you will never be the same again.

“Because you look the same on the outside, people think you’re okay, but you will never be the same again and you have to find a new ‘normal’. You live with the threat of the cancer coming back as well as having to deal with hormonal and physical side effects too.”

As the fog of her depression started to lift, Sharon decided to retrain in a completely different career that would still provide her with an income and purpose, only with less stress.

“For two years I trained as a counsellor and now I’ve had my own private practice on the Sunshine Coast since 2015, helping thousands of people with relationship issues – grief and loss, anxiety, depression and cancer support.

“I learned a lot about myself doing the course, and maybe because I have a huge amount of empathy for people who have gone through similar experiences, it helps me relate to them.

“My husband Kevin has always been my rock and a great support throughout my journey. We are both trying to live our lives to the full. My mantra is ‘feel the fear and do it anyway’.”

First on her bucket list was to skydive, filmed as part of episode five of GemLife’s AGELESS TV series.

Sharon said she was relieved to learn her instructor had earplugs in to block out her screams!

“It was terrifying and exhilarating at the same time, and I would go again,” Sharon said. “I don’t think you’d get that feeling with anything else you’d ever do in your life.”

Her next bucket list goals are to swim with sharks, and drive fast in a race car, or drive a giant mining truck. Watch this space!

Rhonda Van Kempen


With a zest for life, 75-year-old Brisbane local Rhonda Van Kempen is proving that the number of candles on your birthday cake is never a barrier to exploring new opportunities in life — and love — as she gears up to travel Australia solo in her motorhome.

In episode five, Taking a Leap, the AGELESS crew accompanies Rhonda as she meets the show’s love expert Heidi Sommer-Ball to discuss tackling new adventures on the road and in relationships in your later stages of life.

Rhonda said she hoped her episode would inspire viewers of all ages.

“What I hope people take away from Ageless and from my story is that it is never too late in life to start your next adventure, whether that’s with a loved one by your side or solo,” she said.

“To me, being ageless means never closing the door on new experiences. It’s crucial to remain open to trying different things and not allowing age or societal expectations to dictate your choices.

“Do what you believe you’re capable of doing.

“Yes, there are aches and pains that come with growing older, but that’s not the hurdle. The true challenge lies in persevering and pushing yourself outside of your comfort zone.”

Ageless features people from across the country aged 56 to 81, including a 56-year-old blind motorcyclist aiming to become the fastest vision-impaired person on earth, and a 70-year-old widow running a 20,000ha outback property on her own.

Alongside Rhonda, episode five also explores the journey of 64-year-old GemLife Palmwoods resident Sharon Lagden, who shares how surviving breast cancer and depression led her to create a bucket list that made her “feel alive”.

Show host Grey Rogers meets with Sharon and her husband Kevin to reflect on what it means to live life with no regret before she ticks off one of her top goals — skydiving.

“For me, embracing agelessness involves continually embracing new challenges and venturing beyond comfort zones. As you get older it’s not your age that defines you, it’s your attitude,” said Sharon.

“Feel the fear and do it anyway.”

Mark and Judy Evans


Retirement isn’t an option for couple Mark and Judy Evans, who share their remarkable story of finding their true calling running North Queensland tourism attraction, Paronella Park, in GemLife’s TV series AGELESS.

The couple, now in their early-70s, discovered the Spanish-inspired castle and grounds, nestled alongside picturesque Mena Creek about 120 kilometres south of Cairns, in 1993 and set about transforming the property into one of the region’s leading experiences.

The couple’s episode, ‘Adventure never grows old’, airs on April 27 and chronicles their journey, trading luxury cars and a Sydney suburban lifestyle for a red panel van and life on the road, which took them to the lush topics of Mena Creek and Paronella Park, which they lovingly restored.

“It was smooth sailing for the first ten years, then we were suddenly faced by cyclones, floods and health challenges,” said Judy.

“As we navigated these, we were reminded of the preciousness of each moment. It’s not about dwelling on setbacks but embracing them as part of our journey. We’re not going to be around forever, and we need to count every day as a bonus.”

Despite his age, Mark says he has a 30-year-business plan for the destination, which is visited by thousands of Cairns locals and visitors every year.

“Agelessness is the essence of being present, irrespective of time’s grasp. It’s about weaving stories that transcend generations, like the tale of Paronella Park founder Jose Paronella and countless others in our region,” said Mark.

“In our 30-year journey, we’ve learned storytelling is the backbone of success, binding us together through challenges and inspiring others to do the same.

“Our legacy lies not just in business triumphs, but in the enduring vitality of sharing our experiences, ensuring our narrative continues.”

Ben Felton


Retirement and life over fifty are typically a time most consider slowing down but not Ben Felten, who at 56-years-old claims the title of the world’s fastest blind man on two wheels and is speeding his way towards more land-speed records.

In the season finale of GemLife’s new TV series AGELESS, Sydney-based Ben, shares his remarkable story of shattering the World Record in 2018 at 50-years-old, clocking an incredible speed of more than 266 km/h on a motorbike, with no sight.

Episode eight, titled Phoenix, follows his journey to find purpose and drive, breaking down barriers of disability and age.

Born with full sight, Ben was diagnosed with a degenerative eye disease in his mid-teens and went completely blind in his late thirties, sending him to what he describes as a dark place.

“The diagnosis meant my career, dreams and aspirations were gone. I felt it was all ripped away from me and I didn’t have a place in society. I had a victim mentality but when I took responsibility, I empowered myself and it was a light-switch moment,” said Ben.

“I have a unique story and I’m still battling on in my fifties, striving for excellence. I like the message of positive ageing, challenging yourself and living life to the fullest,” he said.

“Just because you’re blind doesn’t mean you can’t see. I call myself the blind man with the vision. Because I have a mission and a purpose.

“My disability doesn’t stop me; I feel like a trailblazer. I’ve had the privilege of representing Australia in rowing, winning three world titles. I’ve played in the World Cup and Ashes tours with the Australian blind cricket team and now I’m chasing records to be the fastest blind man on wheels.

“I’ve accepted my condition and I’ve become a proud individual. Once you come to terms with where you are in life you can embrace it and thrive.”

Supported by an accomplished team of navigators and mechanics, Ben is carefully instructed while tearing down racetracks on his motorcycle at incredible speeds. His next goal is to become The Fastest Blind Man in Australia, on four wheels, a goal set for 2025 at age 57.

“Being over 50 is the perfect time to start thinking about yourself and understand what gifts you possess because everyone can accomplish incredible things. It’s the ideal time of life to explore talents and fulfill dreams,” said Ben.