Living Well

Ask Josh!

Ask Josh!


GemLife Health and Lifestyle Coordinator Josh Kristenson offers ten tips on how to bring up your fitness levels so you can try one of two upcoming cycling events – Ride the Range in Toowoomba and Around the Bay in Melbourne. Cycling can be a fantastic low-impact exercise option for individuals over 50. To progress from no to low fitness to completing your first 50km bike ride, he’s developed a step-by-step plan to help you prepare.

Consult with your healthcare provider: Before starting any new exercise program, it’s essential to consult with your healthcare provider. They can assess your overall health and provide specific recommendations or precautions.

Get a comfortable bike and gear: Make sure you have a bike that suits your needs and is comfortable to ride. Consider visiting a local bike shop to get fitted properly and ensure your bike is in good working condition. Invest in a well-fitting helmet and wear comfortable, moisture-wicking clothing suitable for cycling.

Start with short, easy rides: Begin with short rides at a comfortable pace, increasing your distance and intensity over time. Start with 15-20 minute rides and aim to ride three times per week. Focus on maintaining a steady pace and getting used to the bike.

Gradually increase ride duration: Increase the duration of your rides by 5-10 minutes each week. This progression allows your body to adapt to the increased demands of cycling.

Incorporate interval training: To build fitness and endurance, introduce interval training into your routine. This involves alternating between periods of higher intensity (faster pace) and lower intensity (recovery) during your rides. For example, you can start with one-minute intervals of slightly higher intensity followed by two to three minutes of easy riding and repeat this pattern for a total of 20-30 minutes. You could do this for distance too, ride 1km at a faster pace, recovery at a slower pace for 1km, repeating for the desired distance.

Add longer rides: Extending your rides can be a way to learn pacing and help with recovery from more intense rides. Once you can comfortably ride for 30-40 minutes without excessive fatigue, start incorporating longer rides into your routine. Increase your ride duration by about 5-10 percent each week. For example, aim for 45-50 minutes the following week, then gradually build up to 60-90 minutes.

Focus on consistent training: Consistency is key to progress. Aim to ride at least three to four times per week, gradually increasing your weekly mileage. This will help you build both endurance and fitness.

Incorporate strength and flexibility exercises: Alongside cycling, consider incorporating strength and flexibility exercises into your routine. Strengthening your core, lower body, and upper body will improve your cycling performance and reduce the risk of injuries. Include exercises like squats, lunges, planks, and upper body exercises.

Fuel and hydrate properly: Proper nutrition and hydration are crucial for your performance and recovery. Stay hydrated before, during, and after your rides, and consume a balanced diet rich in carbohydrates, proteins, and healthy fats to support your training and recovery. Carbohydrates will be the main fuel source for long cardio sessions, fuelling your body prior to your ride and after your ride will help with recovery.

Set a goal and track progress: Finally, set a specific goal for your first 50km bike ride. It could be a personal milestone or participating in a local cycling event. Track your progress by recording your rides, distances, and times to monitor your improvement and keep yourself motivated.

Remember to listen to your body, gradually progress, and enjoy the process. Cycling should be a fun and rewarding activity.

Josh Kristenson
Health & Lifestyle Coordinator


Whether you’re looking to lose weight, build muscle, improve overall fitness levels or have a query about cardio, strength training or is sports-specific, Ask Josh! has got you covered. GemLife Health and Lifestyle Coordinator Josh Kristenson will provide residents and contract holders with practical and effective advice to help level up their fitness goals. Send your questions to [email protected]