Our environment
Our environment

Our resorts
Our resorts

Our people
Our people

GemLife integrates our resorts into the local area, being mindful of the cultural and environmental heritage of each location. We aim to leave a soft footprint, consulting closely with the local community during planning stages.

We take a sensitive approach to creating our resorts, being mindful of the unique characteristics and profiles of each location. This means every GemLife resort exists in harmony with its surrounding environment.

We look for opportunities to make a positive environmental impact using current best practices and a willingness to innovate.

Some of the ways we do that are:

Energy & renewables

We install solar panels throughout our resorts, complimented with sophisticated energy storage systems. Our innovative virtual power plants are designed to reduce reliance on the energy grid, insulating homeowners from market volatility and reducing reliance on fossil fuels.

Energy efficiency

Our all-electric homes have high-efficiency appliances and hot water heat pumps as standard. All homes have inverter air conditioning systems with zone control. Our communities have LED lighting installed throughout with energy efficient dimming features. We install efficient air conditioning plants complimented with building management systems for energy-saving operations.

Efficient housing

All GemLife homes come with a NatHERS certification guaranteeing performance and comfort.

Water conservation and reuse

Sustainability - Our Environment - Water Conservation

We install stormwater retention systems to control run-off into natural water systems and reduce water consumption for gardens. All homes have water efficient fittings to reduce water use, and in select resorts, we install water storage tanks.


Sustainability - Our Environment - Recycling

Our residents share our passion for supporting the environment. GemLife encourages the reduction of waste and, in many resorts, offers a central composting station as well as supporting other initiatives including bottle and can recycling programs.


Sustainability - Our Environment - Habitat

GemLife offers a practical, hands-on approach to environmental management. Our landscaping is sensitive to the existing ecosystem with appropriate native species used where practical. We are supported by our residents who are involved at a community level in planting and working with our experienced horticulturists in creating a sustainable green space.

In addition to proactive revegetation programs, GemLife supports and fosters koala habitats including the creation of sustainable koala corridors at a number of our communities.

Electric Vehicle (EV) enabled

As the world transitions to electric vehicles, GemLife is ensuring our resorts are ready. All new homes are set up to accommodate a future EV charger and our facilities will feature central charging stations. Our resorts will boast a pool of EV vehicles for homeowners to not only experience driving an EV but as an environmentally friendly alternative to keeping or buying a second car. GemLife also has a commitment to transition our internal fleet in line with transport electrification, further reducing our carbon footprint.